Once again I apologize for not updating my blog more regularly... I have no excuse, it's pure laziness!
So I'll just put up a few pictures to give you an idea of what I've been up to lately. But mainly: all is well, I'm having a great time! Enjoying work, which has been a bit quiet those last 2 weeks; since the kids have exams I don't have as many hours as usual. This week I'm showing them a video of a French stand-up comedian, Florence Foresti. The sketch is called "J'aime pas les garçons" ("I don't like boys") and is quite funny in my opinion :-p You can check it out on youtube if you want. She makes lots of gestures so even if your level of French is not very high you should get the gist of it!
As I said in my last article I went on a school trip to Paris in December, which was really, really great. The 37 kids were nice and we did lots of fun activities, including Disneyland, going on the Eiffel tower, spending a day in a French school... I got to know the pupils and my 3 colleagues better. A very positive experience!
View of Paris from the 2nd floor of the Eiffel Tower
Apart from that, I am still exploring London and other areas in England, with my housemates or friends visiting me :)
Windsor Royal Shopping street
A shop in Windsor... How scary it is to put REAL people as models in the window of your shop?? I mean seriously
Christmas party with friends in Slough :)
A sample of the very cheesy jokes we found inside our Christmas crackers :-D
After celebrating Christmas in advance in England, with my housemates, friends, and even colleagues (we had a Christmas dinner in a Chinese restaurant^^), I went back home for the holidays.
It was good to be back in Lyon and to see my family and my friends! Even if I wasn't able to catch up with all the people I wanted to see...
My lovely sister who can't wait to open the gifts! Hihi
Ma famille :)
It was soooo cold, I had never seen the lake at the Parc de la Tête d'Or frozen before!!
Then, I went back to the UK on the 30th of December... Because the plan was to celebrate New Year's Eve with some friends who were all coming to London! Friends from Australia, France, Switzerland, Ireland, Canada... Which means we were 9 people staying at my house. It went really well! On NYE we went to a house party of a friend of a friend... Turned out that the house was a boat, on the Thames, near Tower Bridge! How COOL I know! Watching the fireworks from the boat was magic.
My view at midnight on the 31st...
The next few days went like a flash, shopping, discovering new areas of London, laughing, just being happy to be all together again.
Kingly Court, London
Carnaby Street, London
Going back to school on the 5th of January didn't mean back to doing nothing. Last weekend I had two nice day trips--in spite of the ridiculously cold weather--in Cambridge and Winchester.
With my housemates in front of the Bridge of Sighs in (freezing) Cambridge
A gate in Cambridge
At King's Cross station in London... A very emotional moment for me, a Harry Potter fan! Ahah
Studying Spanish on the train to Winchester
Admiring the wintery landscape on our way to Winchester
Having burgers with my housemates and a Japanese friend, in an American diner in Winchester^^
The famous cathedral in Winchester
For the fans, you can see the house where Jane Austen died in Winchester
After all those pictures,I'll end with one that summarizes very well my state of mind at the moment!
Hope you are all well and as excited about 2009 as I am! :)