The view from my window on Monday morning
There were about 5 cms of snow in my garden at 8am on Monday when I got a phone call from my colleague who informed me that the school was closed! I thought it was a joke! But no. Apparently it hadn't snowed like this since 1991 and as a result people were not equipped to deal with it. And since lots of people (teachers and kids alike) have to come a long way to go to school/work, it is easier to just give a day off to everyone^^
So, I had Monday AND Tuesday off. I found out that not only schools were closed, but buses, trams, trains and even the Tube stopped running or ran only on a very restricted service. Hilarious. Which means I was able to sleep until midday, then braved the "snow storm" to go get some food, watched my housemates built a snowman in our front garden, and mainly just chilled at home and watched series and films.
Our snowman, who had a sad short life, shot by snowballs in the prime of life by mischievous neighbours. RIP.
Last weekend I went to Plymouth as a last-minute decision to go see my friend F. It was great (despite the cold weather), we did some shopping, saw a (very depressing) exhibition on modern slavery, danced on 90s songs and practised our Spanish at a house party with lots of foreign assistants and students... We also went to see a basketball game and were a bit disturbed by the young underdressed cheerleaders but very entertained by Foxy! And the Plymouth raiders won so everyone was happy :)
A player from the "Plymouth Raiders" team whose name I forgot^^
Foxy! A real entertainer! So cute :)
Overall the weekend flew by, so did January! For the first time in my life I celebrated Chinese New Year, which was on the 26th of January, and Australia Day, which was on the same day :) I had a lovely Chinese dinner(a "steam boat") and yummy aussie desserts!
Fish balls, prawns, bean curds, baby corn, spinach... Preparing the Chinese steam boat :)
Home-made Pavlova, a delicious Australian/New-Zealandish dessert
This weekend my cousin S. is coming to visit me. I can’t wait! Then on the 11th my parents and my sister are coming for 10 days, yessss. After that a friend of mine from Lyon is coming for 4 days. And finally, the last weekend of February I will be in the Netherlands to visit two friends. So it will be a busy month! Hehehe...
Feel free to come visit! Or to give me some of your news! I have to try and send more postcards, I am terrible at keeping in touch through "snail mail" (^^), sorry!
1 comment:
Heeeey you obeyed me ! I'm gonna tell you to write articles more often. Hehe...
I'll be mourning your snowman. Your neighbours are a bit cruel !
Foxy is cute, and the cheerleaders do look kind of disturbing (slutty dance moves hellooo) o_o
You know that I have the recipe for Pavlova in the book you offered me for my last bday ! It looks delicious...
I can't wait to see you. Lots of love !
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